2008年8月10日 星期日

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080806 上的新意見。

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Dear Kathleen, Peng An,
All of our club members open both of our hands to welcome you and to embrace you to join our discussion and sharing daily devotion club.

Dear all, Peng An,
Jephthah seemed to be a tragedy hero in the Bible. He was illegal child of his father with a prostitude. He was expelled by his half brothers to be a homeless fugutives. Then at the crisis of the Israelite, he responded to the summon to take risk in fighting against their enemies. He seemed not having been taught about how to swear to the Lord. Thus he made a very rash and harsh vow to Yahweh before going to the war. Then the greatest tragedy of his life befell upon him. After that tragedy, he even had to face the challenge of the tribe of Ephraimites with violent fighting.
The Bible was also silent on the spiritual lessons for us to learn from this incidence. Was this just descriptional historical story, or what was the spiritual lessons for us to learn? When Abraham responded to Yahweh's challenge to offer up his only son Isaac, the angel from the Lord intervened at the last minute to spare Isaac from being burned up as human sacrifice. But for Jephthah, the Bible was silent. There were all kinds of speculations upon the actual fate of his daughter. Some scholars would speculate that Jephthah's daughter just keep her virginity all her life without being married. Some would say that she was actually burned up as a holocost burnt offering after spending two months to cry for her untimely and premature death...

由 草戊尚土 於 2008年8月10日 下午 11:40 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部