2011年1月31日 星期一

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 全新樂活讀經默想 110131有新意見。

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The birth of Isaac enabled Abraham and Sarah to experience the grace of the Lord, who promised them a son twenty-five years ago. Yet Sarah started to be worried about who should be the sole descendant. God told them Isaac was the one, and Ishmael was later the governor of a great nation.

Though Hagar seemed to be the one who was disadvantaged in the event, her son was granted sovereignty. God cares about each child. Too much worry tears our heart out. Believe in Him. The promise with Abraham fulfilled by the Lord is inspiring enough for us to strengthen our confidence.

由 Yi-ting 於 2011年1月31日下午9:55 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部