2008年5月21日 星期三

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 在 三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080519 上的新意見。

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to dear pastor and classmates,

I agree with Pastor's interpretations regarding "be blameless"-- a challenage rather than a praise. I focused more on the LORD's word "confirm my covenant", I took it as an encouragement from the LORD to Abram. To encourage Abram to keep on the good work--the process of being blameless. Even though it seems to be such an unachivable goal. Yet one day at a time, one step at each stage, to the day we see the LORD--under the cover of His blood, we can be blameless before our Heavenly Father. What a glorious hope we hold as a christian.

由 JBC 於 2008年5月21日 下午 7:13 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部