2011年1月18日 星期二

[草戊尚土靈修俱樂部] 全新樂活讀經默想 110118有新意見。

Yi-ting 已針對您的文章「全新樂活讀經默想 110118」留下新意見:

Abram was not confident enough so he lied to the Pharaoh. One lie makes many. When we tell the first lie, we have to tell another lie to perfect the previous one. The Lord will intervene when the situation is in a mess. Yet don't wait until we are plagued with troubles. Grasp His arm tightly and we'll find way out.

由 Yi-ting 於 2011年1月18日上午11:11 張貼在 草戊尚土靈修俱樂部